Wednesday, August 17, 2016

History Section 02 Class Notes: August 17, 2016

  • Charcoal Poem Related Notes
    • Where and When Was It From?
      • 18th Century China
        • China has the Ability to Easily Unify
          • Has a strong bureaucratic government
            • Government Officials
              • They were known as Courtiers
            • What Does The Government Do?
              • Redistribute Wealth
            • What Is the Government?
              • A system put in place when a society can financially support itself, in which individuals can take specialized roles, and the system can redistribute wealth across specializations.
    • Fabric
      • Is Incredibly Expensive, Throughout History
      • Silk is produced in China
        • Until the Middle-Ages, China was the only source of silk in the world.
      • What is Damask?
        • A different way of weaving fabric.
      • Who Invented the Cotton Gin?
        • The Chinese
      • Who Produced The Most Cotton In That Era?
        • India
  • Middle Eastern God's Country Poem Notes
    • Religion They Practiced
      • Zoroastrianism
    • What They Developed
      • Commercialism
      • Joint Stock Companies
      • Checks
    • Capitalism
      • They were rather commercial, and many nations are commercial.
      • Capitalism is not necessarily western.
  • God's Love Poem Notes
    • Where Was It From?
      • Persia
    • Who Wrote It?
      • Rumi
    • Religion They Practiced?
      • Sufi
    • What Was it About?
      • God's Love, and Connecting People Together With Love and Belief In God.
  • Draft Poem Notes
    • When Was It Written?
      • 600 BCE
    • What Was It About?
      • The Draft and Chariots
    • Where Was It Written?
      • China
  • Who Were Unified?
    • China
  • Who Were Not Unified?
    • Europe
  • Who Were Very Open?
    • The Middle East
  • Who Were Anti-Semitic?
    • Europe

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