Monday, August 22, 2016

History Before 1500s Section 02 Class Notes

  • What Are Ancient Foundations?
    • The Four Ancient River Civilizations 
      • China
      • India
      • Egypt
      • Mesopotamia 
  • What Were Class Thoughts on the Reading?
    • The Egyptians treated women fairly.
    • Mesopotamian and Egyptians are polytheistic.
    • Egyptians used papyrus to record many thoughts and ideas, but due to papyrus breaking down, many of those records are lost.
    • Nepotism
      • Appointing your family members into important positions, in order to control power.
    • Egyptians would marry into their family, even their sisters, in order to keep royal blood in power.
    • Over time religious beliefs transform.
  • When Did People Settle Down And Start Farming?
    • 10,000 B.C.E
  • Where Does Chocolate Come From?
    • South America
  • Where Are Peanuts From...Maybe?
    • Africa
  • What People Ate Before the New World Was Discovered, Was Determined by What?
    • What grows in your geographical location, or what can be found in nearby geographical locations to consume.
  • What Percentage of the population in pre-modern time, were farmers?
    • 80%
  • Did pre-modern civilizations eat mainly crops or meat?
    • Crops, animals that modern people use for meat, were mainly used for secondary products.
  • Why Are Beans Grown With Wheat?
    • Beans provide nitrogen to the soil to help increase the production of wheat.
  • What Animals Were Located in The Fertile Crescent?
  • Why Does Settling Down In A City in the Ancient World, Cause Individuals to Have Poorer Health and Other Issues?
    • More sick people grouped with one another, with little to no advancement in stopping the spread of illnesses.
    • Poor waste disposal, and the location of waste near by cities.
    • Resources now are being shared, and resources are now limited to settlement.
    • When people settle they begin to establish property, and laws to help protect the property of the wealthy.
    • Hunting and gathering is easier than working the land.
  • What are common issues that everyone faces?
    • Relationships
    • Collecting Resources
    • Managing Resources
    • Managing Health
    • Managing Security
  • Many ancient civilizations developed distinct and in some cases lasting solutions to the common issues that everyone faces.
  • Mesopotamia was a very pressed civilization, while Egypt was much more calm.
  • Who had the earliest civilizations?
    • China, many believe Mesopotamia, but they do so wrongly.
      • Why Is This So?
        • Many people from 1880-1920 were making these discoveries and wanted people to believe that white people were the earliest civilized people..which doesn't make sense.
  • What is the significance of the fertile crescent?
    • It contains much fertile soil, so it is great for growing crops.
  • What is the significance of Mesopotamia?
    • Cuneiform
    • Laws
    • Cities
  • Who were scribes?
    • Priests
      • Controlled most of the wealth
    • Merchants
    • Property Records for the Rich and the Powerful
    • Less than 5% of the population knew how to read or write
      • Because only so few could read and write, is that they can control the people because they had information that could be openly lied about to 95% of the population.
    • Taxation Records
  • How Do The Tigris and Euphrates Flood?
    • Catastrophically and Unexpectedly
  • Why was irrigation so important in the Middle East?
    • There isn't a lot of water in the middle east.
  • Historically what kind of population does the middle east have?
    • Mixed, as many individuals can come in from multiple surrounding destinations.
  • How well can the Tigris and the Euphrates be Navigated?
    • Not very well.. at all.
  • What is Irrigation?
    • To direct water to the crops, and preventing massive floods from harming the city.
  • What is Corvee Labor?
    • Labor represents your taxes.
    • Most Ancient Civilizations Use Corvee Labor
  • What Are The Benefits of the Tigris and Euphrates Flooding?
    • When it floods it leaves heavily fertile soil for farming.
  • What Were Many Problems Faced By Mesopotamia?
    • Dust Storms
    • Locust Swarms
    • Scorching Winds
    • Flooding
  • Why Would Mesopotamian Wear Demon Amulets?
    • You would wear a demon amulet to ward away the demon that the amulet represented.
  • Mesopotamian Ziggurats and Gods
    • Different city-states have different ziggurats
    • Different ziggurats are represented by different Gods
  • What Common Gods Do All Ancient Societies Have?
    • War
    • Death
    • Storm
    • Sun
  • What is the significance of proverbs from ancient civilizations?
    • It teaches you how the civilizations think, based on their proverbs.
  • Ideas Based On Mesopotamia Proverbs
    • Protect Your Property
    • Treat Your Enemies Gently
    • Don't bully the bullied
    • Poverty is abundant, wealth is rare.
  • What is the Significance of The City-State of Eridu?
    • Mesopotamians believed it to be the place of life's origin
    • They believed that cities made them civilized.
    • 80% of them lived in cities
      • Why
        • Security
    • Eridu wasn't just a city-state, it held mythological significance.
      • They believed that city-states taught them how to take on the civilized art of kingship.
  • What are some of the arts of civilization?
    • Kingship
    • Speech
    • War
    • Clothing
    • Bathing
    • Sex
    • Beer
  • What is the Worst Put-Down In Mesopatamian Society?
    • You aren't from the City

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