Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Resume WIP

  • Nicholas Benson
    • Contact Information
      • Email Address
        • Primary Email: nb0023@uah.edu
        • Secondary Email: jetblackrlsh@gmail.com
      • Phone Number
        • Mobile Phone: 
      • Permanent Address
    • Professional Summary
    • Education
      • Current University
        • University of Alabama in Huntsville
      • Expected Degree 
        • Bachelor of Science Information Systems Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Concentration
      • Expected Graduation Date
        • June 2019
      • Grade Point Average
        •  3.38 
    • Volunteering
      • Bessie K Russel Library for Two Years
    • Honors
      • Awards
        • Doctorate of Divinity from the Universal Life Church
        • Title of High Priest from the Universal Life Church

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