Wednesday, August 31, 2016

History Section 02 In Class Notes August 30 2016

  • Where Were The Neolithic Settlements of China?
    • North
      • Yellow River
    • South
      • Yangtze
  • When Does The Shang Dynasty Take Place?
    • After Our Ancient Foundations
      • When Were Our Ancient Foundations?
        • From 4000 to 1900 BCE
  • What Was Ancient Chinese Religion Like?
    • Ancestor Worship
    • Polytheism
  • List Random Early Religions and Philosophies
    • China
      • Daoism
      • Confucianism
    • India
      • Buddhism
      • Jainism
    • Persia
      • Zoroastrianism
  • Is there a difference between Daoism and Taoism?
    • No, other than their spelling
  • Where were the Shang and Zhou Dynasties?
    • Northern China
  • What Was Consumed In Northern China?
    • Wheat
    • Millet
    • Soy Beans
    • Beer
  • What Was The Government Of The Shang Dynasty?
    • Uncentralized government
  • What Was The Purpose of The Oracle Bones?
    • To communicate with the Gods 
      • To keep the peace with the divine
    • What were used for Oracle Bones?
      • Ox Bone
      • Turtle Shells
    • How Were Oracle Bones Read?
      • They were heated in order to generate cracks, which were read as signs from the God
    • What Were Oracle Bones Believed To Be In The Future At A Certain Point In Time?
      • It was believed to have been an ancient dragon bone, that could be consumed to heal any ailment, and were sold in apothecaries
    • Ancient Chinese was Written On What Objects?
      • Oracle Bones
    • Who Used Oracle Bones?
      • The Upper-Class 
  • Why Didn't China Change Their Language?
    • They had a large number of dialects, but everyone could understand written word
    • They still had the ability to read ancient texts
  • What is The Difference Between India and China When It Came To Bronze?
    • In India, bronze was very wide spread
    • In China, bronze belonged only to the middle class
  • Who Were The 100 Names?
    • The 100 Upperclass families of China who were elitist with last names
  • What Was The Purpose of Bronze Bowls?
    • To dine with the dead
    • Symbol of power
  • What Were Technological Advances of China?
    • Casting
      • What is Required For Casting?
        • High temperatures
          • How was this accomplished?
            • Charcoals
            • Bellows
      • What is Casting?
        • Using a mold to create something as individual part
        • Then these parts are crafted together
  • How Long Did The Mandate of Heaven Last?
    • Mandate of Heaven, lasts till, nine-teen, eleven
  • What Is The Mandate of Heaven?
    • Heaven chooses the worthiest to be king
    • If a king is unworthy, they will be replaced by the heavens, with the worthiest king
    • Worthy kings face no issues
    • Unworthy kings are plagued with disasters
    • People Have The Duty To Make Sure That The Mandate Is Followed
  • What God Does The Zhou Heavily Follow?
    • Tian
      • What Did Tian Do?
        • Give the King the Mandate of Heaven
  • What Are Dangers in Northern China?
    • Attacks From The North
    • Natural Disasters
  • What is Maat?
    • The Eygptian Idea That Everyone Has Their Own Morals That They Must Upkeep And That There Is A Way The World Should Be
  • What Did The Three Ministries of Zhou Manage?
    • Agriculture
    • Public Works
    • Crime
  • Who Worked In The Three Ministries of Zhou?
    • Military leaders known as the Shi
  • How Many Years Were The Waring States Period?
    • Less Than 200, More Than 100
  • How Religiously Tolerant Were Early China?
    • They allowed the simultaneous practice of multiple religions
  • What Did Confucius Do?
    • Offer his services to different leaders, to teach them how to be the best leader
      • He never got a job
  • We have nothing that Confucius Wrote
  • What Were Confucius's Three Core Beliefs?
    • Education is Important
    • Everyone is moral, and education helps to make people better
    • He believes that law is moral

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