Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Programming Class Syllabus

Contact Information
Office: BAB 373
Email Address:
Phone Numbers: (256) 824-6980
Department Phone: (256) 824-6680
Availability/Office Hours: one hour before class

Disability Statement

The University of Alabama in Huntsville will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Students should identify themselves to the Disability Support Services Office (256.824.1997 or 317 Wilson Hall) and their instructor as soon as possible to coordinate accommodations.

Course Information

Course ID: IS 210
Credit Hours: 3
Semester/Year: Fall 2016
Meeting day, time, and location: MWF     11:30AM 12:25PM BAB   211

Course Description

Course Objectives

  • Learn about Python in the context of Business

Required Text/Readings


Late homework submissions are not allowed, unless prior notices are first submitted or there are proofs that you are under a situation beyond your control. Borderline students with at least 80% attendance record may receive benefits towards their grades. 

Evaluation and Grading 

Letter Grade
Percentage of Grade
>= 97%
>= 94%
>= 90%
>= 87%
>= 84%
>= 80%
>= 77%
>= 74%
>= 70%
>= 67%
>= 64%
>= 60%
< 60%

Percentage of Grade

Academic Honesty

As a student at the University you are expected adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
According to the UAH Code of Student Conduct (in the UAH Student Handbook), plagiarism can be defined as "the use of any other person's work (such work need not be copyrighted) and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one's own work offered in fulfillment of academic requirements." In other words, plagiarism is the use of another's original words or ideas as if they were your own.
Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty, which threatens the academic integrity of UAH. If a faculty member suspects a student of plagiarism, he or she can choose to deal with the student within the context of the course, by requiring a revision, giving the student a failing grade, or several other disciplinary options. The faculty member can choose to file a complaint with the Office of Student Conduct, which can result in a hearing by the Student Conduct Board. If the student is found guilty of plagiarism, the Board can choose from a variety of sanctions, including issuing a warning, a censure, educational alternatives, disciplinary probation, disciplinary suspension, and expulsion.
If a student has any questions about plagiarism or citing sources, he or she should not hesitate to talk to a faculty member, the library staff, or visit the UAH library guide on plagiarism, the Purdue Online Writing Lab on avoiding plagiarism, and


This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to enhance the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder.

Third-Party Software and FERPA

During this course you might have the opportunity to use public online services and/or software applications sometimes called third-party software such as a blog or wiki. While some of these could be required assignments, you need notmake any personally identifying information on a public site. Do not post or provide any private information about yourself or your classmates. Where appropriate you may use a pseudonym or nickname. Some written assignments posted publicly may require personal reflection/comments, but the assignments will not require you to disclose any personally identity-sensitive information. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your instructor.

Technology Statement

Access to and use of certain software tools will be helpful in the completion of course requirements.
Students will be expected to have access to a computer frequently, as all writing assignments used will be typed out and not handwritten. The software you use to write your assignments is irrelevant, as long as you follow my writing guidelines outlined later in my syllabus. I recommend to have access to a computer weekly. You will be expected to have access to the internet and email, since I will be emailing you about assignment updates, additions and changes.
Add information for any tools and software required for your course and how to access them.


Canvas is a learning management system (access at and log in with your Charger credentials.) which will be used as a medium for turning in assignments and a forum for communicating with your teammates. Under the "Discussion" section, you will have a designated forum section. My recommendation is to check Canvas every 2-3 days for updates from your classmates or myself.


In order to make the best use of class meeting time and to leverage the available technology, recordings of lectures and/or tutorials are available for support during the semester. These recordings will enable to review lectures and reference as study guides. For a more detailed information on how to use the tool, visit Panopto.

Online Learning

Participating in an online course has many benefits like flexibility, convenience, and greater control over your learning experience. The online learning experience also requires organization, self-monitoring, and continuous levels of interaction with other students and your instructor so that you may be successful. Similar to a traditional course, the material will be covered within one semester. Keeping up with lectures and assignments will help you stay motivated and on-task throughout the semester.

Student Resources

The University of Alabama in Huntsville offers a range of student services to enhance the experience of students. An array of academic support services are available in a variety of subjects for students who would like to improve his or her performance. In addition, UAH’s M. Louis Salmon Library provides several methods for students to access and use information. In addition, there are a variety of resources on the Online Learning webpage for students. Online Learning Students my contact the Online Learning Librarian, Seth Porter, for additional support.
Highlight specific additional resources that may be unique to this course.

Course Schedule 

Assignments Summary:

Wed Aug 17, 2016
Fri Aug 19, 2016
Mon Sep 5, 2016
Thu Oct 6, 2016
Fri Oct 7, 2016
Sat Oct 8, 2016
Wed Nov 23, 2016
Thu Nov 24, 2016
Fri Nov 25, 2016
Sat Nov 26, 2016
Mon Nov 28, 2016
Wed Dec 7, 2016

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