Wednesday, August 24, 2016

History Section 01 Class Notes August 24 2016

  • Primary Sources
    • Definition
      • First Hand Accounts
    • Examples
      • Diary
      • Autobiography
      • Document
      • Interview
      • Eye Witness Account
      • Oral Tradition
      • Art/Artifacts/Textiles
      • Letters
      • News Paper Reports
  • Secondary Sources
    • Definition
      • Interpretation or Account of a Primary Source By a Different Source
    • Examples
      • Book
        • University Press
      • Scholarly Article (Peer-Reviewed)
      • Websites
        • .edu
        • .gov
  • Herodotus
    • Importance
      • Known as the Father of History
      • Greek Historian
    • Type of Source
      • Primary
    • Bias
      • Doesn't Like Kids
      • Cultural
  • Ancient Homosexuality/Pedophiles
    • It was a status symbol for a man to have sex with a child, which is heavily frowned upon in modern society.
    • Women were forbidden from practicing homosexuality.
  • How Did Ancient Persian People Greet One Another
    • Equals
      • Kiss on the lips
      • Bow
    • Unequal 
      • Kiss on the Cheek
  • How Is the Word Barbarian Used By The Ancient Persians
    • To refer to Non-Persian people 
  • How Did The Persians Treat Gods
    • They believed them to be non-human
  • How Did Persians Worship Gods
    • By performing sacrifices
  • Why Did Persian Men Not Want to See Their Children Until They Were Five?
    • Men won't have to deal with the child for the most part, and can begin to interact with their child at an age in which they truly can.
  • Agriculture In Nile River Valley
    • Civilization moved up from the Sudan and into where?
      • The Fertile Nile Valley
    • Where is Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt?
      • Lower Egypt
        • To the North
      • Upper Egypt
        • To the South
    • What Did Herodotus Refer to Egypt As?
      • The Gift of the Nile
    • When Did Egyptians Harvest Crops?
      • There were annual floods during the summer
      • Crops are harvested in Winter and Early Spring
    • First Egyptian Kingdoms
      • Small kingdoms appeared in Egypt and Nubia by 3300 B.C.
      • Agriculture societies built organizations which controlled or regulated public and private life.
    • Menes
      • The first pharaoh of Egypt, the first ruler, of the first dynasty
      • Known as Narmer 
      • Established his rule in Memphis
      • Established a Centralized Government
    • Pharaohs
      • Claimed to be Gods manifest among men
      • Claimed to be Offspring of the Sun God
    • Kingdoms of Egypt
      • Archaic Period
      • Old Kingdom
        • When pyramids were built
      • Middle Kingdom
      • New Kingdom
    • Pyramids
      • Were constructed during the Old Kingdom.
      • Made from 2.3 million limestone blocks with an average weight of 5000 pounds.
    • Nubia
      • Had periodic battles with who?
        • Egypt
      • Developed a southern kingdom called what?
        • Kush
    • Middle Kingdom of Egypt
      • Central state under the pharaoh re-emerged after a short decline
      • Pharaohs lost power that they once held
      • Egypt was invaded by the Hyskos
        • The Hyskos has an advantage thanks to being able to combat using chariots.
      • Egypt unified to fight against the Hyskos, and won, which allowed them to establish the New Kingdom
    • New Kingdom of Egypt
      • Population
        • Four Million
      • Expanded territory in response to what?
        • The Hyskos Invasion
      • Controlled Nubian Territory to A Certain Point
      • Nubian leaders revived Kush
    • Social hierarchies of Egypt
      • Pharaoh
        • Supreme Ruler
      • Professional Military Forces
      • Bureaucrats and Administrators
      • Tax Collectors
      • Peasants and Slaves
        • Provided Labor

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