Thursday, October 27, 2016

Business Plan Notes

Executive Summary

  • Summarizes business plan 
    • Answers the Following Questions
      • What does your company do?
    • States:
      • Exactly what your company does
    • Format
      • Bullet-Points
    • Length
      • Short and Concise
      • Less than two-pages
    • Tone
      • Confidence
Mission Statement
  • Tells what you do and for whom you do it for
    • Answers the Following Questions?
      • What does your company do, and for whom does your company do it for?
    • States:
      • The company's purpose
    • Format
      • A sentence or two.
    • Length
      • A sentence or two.
    • Tone
      • Informative/Inspirational 
      • Clear and Concise
Company Background
  • Answers the following Questions
    • When did the company form?
    • Who formed the company?
    • For what purpose was this company formed?
    • How close is your company to achieving its purpose?
Product/Service Description
  • Provide a brief description of what you provide
  • Answer the following Questions
    • Who are your customers?
    • How has your company grown overtime?
    • What are your company's goals for the future?
Marketing Plan
  • Answers the Following Questions
    • How will you achieve your sales and customer goals?
    • What is your plan for attracting and retaining customers?
  • What types of supporting evidence do you want to include?
    • Facts
    • Numerical Data
Competitor Analysis
  • Answers the Following Questions
    • Who are your competitors?
    • What are your competitors' strengths and weaknesses?
    • What are the objectives of your competitors?
    • How can your company take the market share of your competitors?
SWOT Analysis
  • Answers the Following Questions
    • What are your company's strengths?
    • What are your company's weaknesses?
    • What opportunities does your company have that will allow it to become more successful?
    • What are threats that your company faces that could inhibit your company from becoming more successful?

  • Answers the Following Questions
    • What materials/labor/resources do you have in order to accomplish your goals?
    • What are the resources you utilize to complete activities?
Financial Planning
  • Answers the Following Questions
    • How is your company going to accrue additional funds?
    • How do you obtain revenue?
    • What are your costs? 
  • Answers the Following Questions
    • How far are you currently in achieving your goals?
    • What goals would you like to achieve?
    • How are you going to achieve your goals?
  • Supporting Evidence
    • Graph to show projections of possible growth
      • Include anticipated income and expenses

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