Friday, October 14, 2016

Programming In Class Notes October 14 2016

  • What are the Steps to Writing a Loop
    • Initialization
    • Check the Continuation condition, if yes keep going, if not, stop
    • Modification
  • How do you use the Range Function?
    • for variablename in range (start condition, end condition, Increment)
  • Why would you ever use while, instead of if?
    • While will continue to perform as long as its condition is met
  • How do you use a while function?
    • while variable_name condition number_or_variable:
  • What is the the symbol for modulo that allows you to find the remainder of two numbers divided by each other?
    • %
  • What is the purpose of break?
    • Break exists in order to stop a loop once a condition is met
    • Place break under a loop condition, in order to end the loop once that condition is met

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