Monday, October 10, 2016

Unfinished Out of Class Notes: History

  • Devotional Changes in Gupta India, McKay pp. 77-80, 345-346, 351-354
    • Important Terms
      • Mahayana
        • The "Great Vehicle", a tradition of Buddhism that aspires to be more inclusive
      • Bodhisattvas
        • Buddhas-to-be who stayed in the world after enlightenment to help others on the path to salvation.
      • Dharma
        • The Sanskrit word for moral law, central to both Buddhist and Hindu Teachings.
      • Bhagavad Gita
        • Central Ethical Text of Hinduism
      • Mahbharta
        • The World's Longest Epic
    • Important Dates
      • Second or First Century B.C.E
        • Buddha's Teachings Were Written Down (Before they were transmitted orally)
      • 100 C.E.
        • The Time of Nagarjuna, the monk-philosopher associated with Mahayana.
      • 1200 C.E.
        • Buddhism declined in India, losing out to both Hinduism and Islam
      • 400 B.C.E to 200 C.E.
        • The Brahmanic Religion Evolves Into Hinduism, in response to Buddhism and Jainism
      • 322 B.C.E
        • The Greeks Supplanted the Persians in Northwest India
      • 513 B.C.E.
        • Persian Emperor Darius Conquered the Indus Valley and Kashmir
      • Late Sixth Century B.C.E
        • The Creation of the Persian Empire
    • Important Figures
      • Nagarjuna
        • The monk-philosopher associated with Mahayana
      • Arjuna
        • The human hero of the epic: Mahabharata

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