Thursday, October 20, 2016

Employee Review Notes October 20 2016

  • Performance Appraisals
    • Recognizes an employees contributions
    • Identifies problems, and focuses on work goals
    • Reminds the employee of the company's mission, vision and goals
    • Ensures that employees adhere to company policy and procedures
  • When Should Employee Reviews Take Place?
    • After employees take a standardized self-evaluation where the employee steps themselves through their portfolios, policy and procedure, and the company's mission, vision and goals.
  • Elements of an Employee Review
    • Review the Employee's Point Count
    • Review Policy and Procedures
    • Review company's mission, vision and goals
    • Review employee's work to ensure that it is following policy, identify any elements that are not, and give advice on how to better adhere to policy. Congratulate the employee with points, for successfully following policy when applicable.
    • Recognize the Employee's Contributions Through A Gamified Point System
  • Further Analysis of the Elements of the Employee Review
    • The Employee Provides Feedback About The Company and Supervisor
    • The Supervisor Provides Feedback About The Employee
  • Assignment
    • 5 measures of performance
    • At least 2 questions based on your employee based policies

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