Monday, October 17, 2016

To-Do: Total Week Breakdown: October 17th to October 24th

  • Monday: October 17 2016
    • Complete and Submit the Business Writing Policies and Procedures Assignment
    • Policies and Procedures Assignment is Due
    • Attempt to Complete Math 12.1 Assignment
    • Prepare Study Materials for Map Quiz 2
  • Tuesday: October 18 2016
    • Attempt to Complete Math 12.1 Assignment
    • Study for Map Quiz 2
  • Wednesday: October 19 2016
    • History Map Quiz 2 is Today
    • Math 12.1 is Due Today
    • Read my Article for the History Group Assignment
    • Attempt to Complete Math 12.2 Assignment
  • Thursday: October 20 2016
    • Take Notes on the Article for the History Group
    • Attempt to Complete Math 12.2 Assignment
  • Friday: October 21 2016
    • Compile my Article Notes into the Group Script
    • Attempt to Complete Math 12.2 Assignment
  • Saturday: October 22 2016
    • Find pictures that can be paired with my Group Script and Submit them to the Group
    • Math 12.2 Assignment is Due
  • Sunday: October 23 2016
    • Make sure all my information related to the Group Project is Squared Away and that the Project is Ready
  • Monday: October 24 2016
    • Video Storyboard and Script is Due Today

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