Monday, September 26, 2016

History Notes 9/26/16

  • Persian Empire
    • First long lasting world empire
    • Territory
      • Divided the area into satraps (provinces)
    • Leaders
      • Satraps were lead by governors known as satrapies
  • Mauryan Empire
    • This empire was in India, and compared to the Persian empire, was rather short lived
    • Thanks to the Indian Religions Practiced, the Empire Had What?
      • A strong cultural unity
    • Chandragupta reigned from 320 to 298 BCE
      • He was a freedom fighter against Alexander the Great
      • He took power over part of Northern India when Alexander the Great died
      • He practiced Jainism
    • Megasthenes
      • Wrote the most about the Mauryan Empire
      • He was a Greek diplomat, who was sent by Seleucus who was the emperor of one third of Alexander's empire, who made trade deals with Chandragupta. 
    • They had a lot of trading of:
      • Spices
      • Bronze
      • Cotton (Big Seller)
    • Trade and government were aided by the grand trunk road
    • Ruled by diplomacy, by having territories pay taxes.
    • Kautilya was one of Chandragupta's best advisers
      • Is given credit for writing the Treaty on Polity
      • It seems that other people were involved in its creation
    • Was divided into four provinces
    • This empire was far more beaurecratic than Persia, this was seen by how they had:
      • Their own department of timber
    • Treaty on Polity

  • What do All Indian Religions Share?
    • Dharma
    • Samsara
    • Karma

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